WealthArc’s Wealth Management Platform Explained

Estimated read time 3 min read

There are numerous wealth management software providers and solutions available on the market, and it’s really difficult to make a choice with the limited amount of information available. That’s why we want to make it at least slightly easier. In this article, we will focus on one particular provider, WealthArc, and its IT solution. Who is it for? What features and modules does it offer? Is it worth your investment? We shall answer all of your questions here, so read on!

WealthArc Platform: Brief Overview

WealthArc comes with a complex wealth management software focused on data management. It’s a platform that you can easily integrate with other systems in your organization to merge all the information into a single source of truth.

Who is WealthArc’s platform for? As the company suggests:

  • external asset managers,
  • family offices,
  • banks,
  • investor services.

As such, the platform becomes an ultimate wealth management tool. Yet, to see its full power, we need to look at the functions it offers.

Main WealthArc Features

So, what features can you expect in WealthArc’s wealth management platform? Namely, the following:

  • portfolio management module,
  • private equity module,
  • portfolio analytics,
  • reporting,
  • investment fee analysis (in collaboration with GreenLock),
  • order management,
  • client management.

As you can see, the list of functions is quite long, and each of them is highly complex, adhering to the highest standards and providing all the functions needed to manage wealth efficiently. Moreover, these modules operate on the latest technologies, like AI and ML, to provide the highest level of quality for the finest wealth managers.

As a result, these features enable you to:

  • gain a holistic view of all investments, client data, and opportunities,
  • assess and calculate risk,
  • optimize investment fees,
  • create customizable, easy-to-navigate reports in various formats and languages,
  • generate predictive insights on potential investment opportunities,
  • manage all your client data in one place,
  • conduct thorough benchmarking.

To add to that, we must mention the robust security offered by WealthArc. Their solution is compliant with GDPR and uses only secure data centers that meet the highest quality standards, including international security standards for cloud solutions ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27701 and organization controls standards SOC.

What deserves praise is the fact that each WealthArc client gets their own separate database, eliminating the risk of external leaks. Each database is also regularly backed up, so you don’t have to worry about losing all your data.

So, Is WealthArc Worth It?

To conclude our article, should you consider investing in WealthArc’s wealth management platform? In our opinion, yes.

It is versatile, highly secure, and compliant, so it will fit into any business related to wealth management. Moreover, it comes with numerous analytical features, which is crucial in the data-driven era of Industry 4.0. Thus, if you’re looking for a way to digitize your operations and streamline them for higher productivity, WealthArc’s platform will be an excellent choice!

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